Review: Why We Did Not Count Amongst Our “Top Online Dating” List is a big social networking site attempting to seem legitimate—when it’s really a hookup site in disguise.
The ONLY place Badoo is popular and will receive positive reviews is in South America. For some reason, many people in South America, especially Brazil, love this clunky and out of date way to communicate and make friends with random people. If you’re in London, stay away! It’s entirely useless!
Here Are Our Results After Using For Three Months
During our time writing our Badoo review, we sent out messages to 360 women, hoping that the rumors of it being an actual dating site in disguise were at least a bit true.

Our experiment showed this site failed. The winning online dating sites are right here for you to try.
Unfortunately, we only received 84 messages, well below our preferred number of responses. We tried setting up one date, but the woman didn’t show.
Here Is Why Did Not Impress Us: Is Legitimate?
If it isn’t obvious from the name, this isn’t exactly a SEXY website. It looks like a social media site, but acts like a…you know what, we’re not sure entirely what it acts like. This site is odd and confusing, and pairs you with people based on interest—while hiding your location, yet showing it to other people who might be interested.
This site needs help. Maybe if you’re in South America and you’re desperate for a friend, you might find something worthwhile on We don’t think so, however. Save your money.
Our Final Review: Is Good For Dating Online?
We honestly don’t think there’s any proper reason you should go on This site won’t help you find a date, and it’s entirely useless in the end. Try PassionSearch instead!
few sites come close in comparison to how bad this one is…i can’t get a single girl on here to hold a conversation with me, how am i supposed to date them??
i wasn’t happy when i used badoo. i think this site deserves a bad review because it really just doesn’t work. you can’t get a date if you don’t talk to anyone!
just another scam i think. the women on this site seem like they are fakes just to lure us in. i won’t be back to use this site again i think what a mess
not sure if badoo is legit or not? i think the women on here are hot but i’m not sure if i will be back to try again because it’s very hard to chat with them
NOT A GOOD SITE. these women are mostly all fakes as far as i can see. also the site is pretty hard to use in the first place, not good
when i did a test run of badoo i was NOT impressed, mostly fakes everywhere, it’s not a good site and not one that i am interested in using
only rating i can give this site is an F-. it’s not good at all with all the fakes on it, impossible to get a date on a site like this in general
when i made my new review 2013 list i put this one on it. it’s not as bad as some but it could use a lot of improving before i return
not really my choice for dating…but badoo has some good points. i just think it needs some cleanup before it really flourishes in general
when i see sites like this i am usually disappointed. i don’t think i’ll be back to try this one out again in the future for that very reason, just a waste
don’t even bother with this one. badoo is a site i had to review because of how bad it is. you won’t get laid on a site like this so just pass it up
i just wanted a date and i can’t even find a single girl to talk to on here. there’s no comparison for how bad that is! i definitely wont be back
just another scam. it’s really obvious that it is though so at least you can avoid that much of the site in general, otherwise it’s a giant time waster
i think that badoo has a lot going for it but i just can’t tell if most of the profiles are legit or not. that makes it kind of stressful to use in general
this site is NOT GOOD. i don’t think you will ever have a chance of getting laid on here so what even is the point of it, just pass on it
when i did a test of this site i was really not impressed. i don’t think there’s much of anything going on with badoo let alone any chance you’ll get a date
only rating this site gets from me is a 0 out of 10. it just isn’t good and it doesn’t help you meet women at all. most of the girls are fake!
only thing i had to say about this site on my review 2013 list was that it wasn’t good. seriously this site just has a lot of fakes on it, it’s obvious
i’m not sure about badoo for dating. i wish it was more obvious if it was good or not but so far i just can’t tell. not sure if i will be back or not
seeing sites like this usually makes me upset and this is no different. it’s just full of scammers, take your money and go somewhere else
the only review i can give this site is a bad one. it just doesn’t work! there isn’t anything going on with badoo and you WON’T get laid on here
for comparison i have always gotten at least a few conversations going with other sites. on this one, nOTHING. you won’t get laid on here so give it a rest
i think this site is just another scam, you won’t get to talk to a woman, let alone go out with her. there are just a lot of fakes all over this site in general
i can’t figure out if badoo is legit or not. i think this site has a lot of potential but getting it to work for me so far has been kind of a bust
nothing much to say about this site when it isn’t good at all. the girls i’ve seen on here are either ugly or fake, there’s nothing in between
badoo was just supposed to be a test and it ended up being a very unsuccessful one. save your money and go to another site for sure
i think the only rating this site deserves is an F. it’s just NOT a good site, there are fakes everywhere and scam artists in spades, it’s bad!
this site doesn’t rank very high on my review 2013 list and that’s because of all the fakes i came across on it. you might want to pass on this site in the future
i think this site could be good for dating but so far badoo just falls flat for me. i’m not sure how much longer i will keep trying it to make it work
seeing sites like this up and active make my skin crawl. they’re obviously all scams, just take your money and go somewhere else for sure!
there’s just NOTHING good to say about badoo. the women on here are all fakes and they are very obvious about that. go somewhere else for your date
it’s not very easy to find a comparison to a site that is as bad as this one. it’s really crappy and you’re mostly going to get your money stolen from you!
i don’t think i will ever attempt to use this scam again. the only good thing about it is all of the fake pics you see on here from time to time, they’re hot!
not sure if this site is legit. badoo seems like it could be fun but so far i just haven’t had much luck with hooking up with any of the ladies on this site
i really don’t think this site is good. i just can’t get any of the women to talk to me and so i don’t think i will be bothering with this mess much longer
i did a test of badoo and was not happy with it. i think the site needs a LOT OF WORK before i can ever think about coming back and using it again
only rating i can throw at this crappy mess is a bad one. it just doesn’t work, you won’t get a date, so save your money and go elsehwere
when i made a new review 2013 list this one was on the bottom. i’m not happy with this site, it’s just a waste of your money for the most part!
as far as dating goes i’m not sure that badoo is the best site for it. i might keep trying it but so far it’s been very slow going for me in general
sites like this usually aren’t very good, this one is no exception. i won’t be back to keep tormenting myself with this hot mess for much longer
can’t even begin to leave a good review on a site like badoo. it’s nOT GOOD. you wont’ get laid on here so what’s even the point of signing up for it
just pass on this site. it’s hard to think of a comparison to how bad it is and that’s not something you want to spend your money on. move on from this site
i think this one is nothing but a scam. the profiles are pretty obvious that way and on top of that it isn’t very active anyway, just pass on it
is badoo legit? i’m not sure about that but i think it has potential to be a lot of fun. there are some real women on here that i hope to talk to soon
not sure there is a single good thing about this entire site. it’s just one big hot mess and not something i am interested in using in the future
when i did a quick test of badoo i wasn’t happy with it at all. it’s nearly impossible to talk to anyone on this site, why would you bother with it?
0 out of 10 rating as far as i am concerned. this site has NOTHING going for it in the way of getting you a date so don’t bother spending cash here
when i made up a new review 2013 list this one was on the bottom of it. i don’t like this site at all and i don’t think it’s worth your time
for dating i guess badoo is ok but it’s not my first pick. it has some good things about it but mostly i think this site needs an overhaul
just a hot mess like all other sites like it. it’s not good and it’s not something i will be back to be using again in the future because it’s not good