Review: Why We Did Not Count Amongst Our “Top Online Dating” List
There are more ways to be a scam than just to be a site that takes your money. Sites that waste your time without offering you anything are just as bad, if not worse. might be “free,” but someone is still being paid for every click you make on this site. You’re paying them by seeing ads and being spammed with false messages.
Even if it’s “free,” sites like Flirtbox are not to be trusted. You won’t meet anyone on here, and you’ll waste so much of your time that you could have been spending elsewhere.
Here Are Our Results After Using For Three Months
During our Flirtbox review we sent out 360 emails, but we weren’t too hopeful about getting many back! Yes, we were correct. We only got back 28 emails, which was an obviously disappointing number. We didn’t set up any dates, and we didn’t meet a single woman that we’d want to see again.

What are you waiting here for? Check out these online dating sites and get the women that you′ve been waiting for.
Here Is Why Did Not Impress Us: Is Legitimate?
If you live in London, what kind of girl do you want to meet?
A sweet girl, a funny girl, a strong girl, a smart girl—yes, those are all good choices, but how about a LONDONER?
You won’t meet anyone from your neck of the woods on We could hardly find any Britons at all! Almost everyone is in Russia or America or the Czech bloody Republic!
Our Final Review: Is Good For Dating Online?
If you’re wondering if Flirtbox is good or bad, wonder no more: it’s entirely useless, thanks. This site is objectively terrible, and is a waste of your time, if not your cash.
just another site that makes me want to do a comparison to a load of crap. don’t even bother with it, the women on here aren’t even real
this site doesn’t even really deserve a review. flirtbox fails in a lot of ways but most of all you definitely won’t even get to talk to a chick on here!
this site is just a big scam. it isn’t even trying to hide it from you so save your money and move on to another site that actually does the job right!
you won’t get a date very quickly on flirtbox but i think it’s legit?? i was hoping to meet women more quickly than this though so i am a bit disappointed
this site isn’t good at all. you won’t get laid on here and it’s just kind of a site that takes forever to even talk to a woman let alone go out with her
not a good test run on my end. flirtbox flopped in a lot of ways and i was really not pleased with it. pass on this one in the future if you have brains
only rating i can give this site is a 0 out of 10. it just misses on every single level for me and i am not happy with it at all. it’s just not a good site
for my review 2013 list i wasn’t very impressed by this site but i guess it could be worse. i guess you should pick another site though if you want to get laid in a hurry
for dating i think flirbox is just kind of mediocre?? i haven’t been able to talk to that many women so far so i am not happy with it in general
sites like this ARE RARELY GOOD and this one is no exception. pass on this one and move on to a site that will really help you meet women and date
this site isn’t my favorite at all and so i had to leave a review about how bad it is. seriously keep your money and don’t use flirtbox, it won’t get you anywhere
only comparison i can think of to this site is to a bag of crap. it’s just not good! the women on here are definitely all fakes in general
can’t even begin to not see how people don’t realize this is a big scam. the fakes are just right there on the front page. total time waster.
i’m not sure if flirtbox is legit or not, i think it might be. the women seem like they will be fun but it’s just kind of hard to get them to chat with you
i think this site is absolutely awful and has NOTHING good about it. don’t worry about this site when there are so many others out there
when i did a test of flirtbox i really wasn’t impressed at all. there’s not even anyone to chat with, good luck thinking you’re going to have a date
this site gets my lowest rating for sure. just pass on this one and move on to a site that is actually good and will help you get a real date
when i make my review 2013 lists i usually have a site that’s kind of eh on it and this is that one. it might work for you but it didn’t work for me!
i think the only aspect of dating that flirtbox fails at is actually the initial conversation. it just makes it hard to get started but i hope that changes soon
seeing sites like this just makes me want to call up the government and have them all shut down, they’re all just total scammers and it’s obvious!
definitely deserves a bad review. there’s really nothing about flirtbox that makes me want to come back and so i definitely won’t bother in the future
in comparison to eVERY other site i have ever used this one just flops horribly. there’s nothing going on with this site that makes me want to come back again!
just another scam. it’s really obvious at least so that’s in your favor but otherwise this one is just a waste of your time and energy overall
not sure if flirtbox is legit or not. this site could be a lot better than it is but so far it just kind of falls short for me. i don’t know if i’ll be back or not
nothing much to say about this site when it isn’t good at all. the girls i’ve seen on here are either ugly or fake, there’s nothing in between
pass on this site. don’t even bother attempting to test it out because it’s not going to do you any good! the women on this site are just scammers! pass on flirtbox!
when i gave this site a rating i couldn’t give it anything good at all. it’s just full of scammers and fakes and there’s no way you will ever get a date
on my newest review 2013 list this one is on it because it really isn’t good. you need to realize there are a lOT of fakes on this site to weed through!
overall i’m not very thrilled by this site…i hope that flirtbox picks up for dating but so far it has been very slow and i’m not too happy about that!
seeing sites like this active and scamming people make me nervous. i definitely won’t be using this one again, it’s all just one big hot mess
don’t bother with flirtbox. there’s a reason why it gets such a bad review from me when i usually don’t even bother to leave one! this is just a bad site and a total waste of your time overall
hard to think of a single comparison to this mess. it’s just not a good site and you won’t get laid on here so don’t even bother with it
i think this site is just a complete scam. it makes not attempt to hide all of the fakes from you and with that in mind it will just steal your money
can’t tell if flirtbox is legit or not. i hope it is but i’m just not sure. the women are hot but i can’t get them to answer my messages as of yet
THERE IS NOTHING GOOD ABOUT THIS SITE. keep that in mind when you sign up because you are throwing your money away. it’s just a big scam!
when my test of flirtbox came to an end i just kind of sighed in relief. there’s nothing about this site that’s good and it knows it. pass on this one for now!
only rating this site gets from me is an F-. i wish i could give it an even lower one! it doesn’t deserve you or your money so take it and go elsewhere
just a lot of fakes on this and that’s all i talked about in my review 2013 for this site. it’s a bad site and one that you will regret having ever signing up for
flirtbox is just ok for dating, really not my first pick, but it could be a lot worse so i don’t think it’s that bad. i just am not sure if i will come back again
sites like this are not good and this one isn’t either. just pass it up and spend your money on a site with real women that you can actually chat with
nothing more than a hot mess. flirtbox won’t get you a date so keep that in mind from this review and don’t use it in the future. save your money!
it’s pretty difficult to even think of a comparison to a site like this when it’s just so awful. the women on here are all fakes and out to take your money
just another scam site and it’s an obvious one at that. the profiles on the front page are just reused profiles from other sites and they don’t care!
i’m not sure if this site is the most legit but flirtbox seems like it can be a lot of fun if i get the hang of it. it’s just been a slow start so far.
hoping this site turns out to be good is like jumping off a cliff. a waste of time and you’ll die trying it! spend your money anywhere else
just a test run made me angry when i used flirtbox. this site is nothing but scammers and fakers and you will see that with just one glance of using it
0 out of 10 rating for sure. this site misses every mark i set for it and i am not happy about that. just a waste of my time and my money!
when i came up with a new review 2013 list this one was at the bottom. i definitely won’t be back to this site again and i think everyone should know
i think flirtbox has a lot of good dating strategies on it but so far it’s just been slow going for me. i hope that picks up in the future
never going to use sites like this again judging by how crappy this one is. i just don’t appreciate having my money and time taken from me