Mingle2.com Review: Why We Did Not Count Mingle2.com Amongst Our “Top Online Dating” List
Good luck finding anyone on Mingle2.com—while you’re on it!
This site is not only useless for meeting people, it’s actively terrible. We’ve seen members summarily banned and deleted for all sorts of things, such as complaining on chat boards, identifying as transgender, or even stating that they weren’t Christian. This site will ban you for ANYTHING, and you’ll never get the opportunity to contest it.
Here Are Our Results After Using Mingle2.com For Three Months
We sent out 360 emails during our three months on Mingle2.com. Strangely enough, we only got back a single reply.

Save your time and your money. Our top online dating sites have proved that they deliver results.
Stranger still, when we went back through all those profiles at the end of our Mingle2 review, we found that almost all of them were deleted! This site purges members so quickly it’s impossible to find out if you’re making any progress or just spinning your wheels.
Here Is Why Mingle2.com Did Not Impress Us: Is Mingle2.com Legitimate?
It’s hard to use a dating site when you have to worry about watching everything you say. Even if some of the people who get banned are being obnoxious, the banhammer on this site is a little excessive. Unless you’re responding to every customer concern, banning so many is a bit ridiculous—and if you are addressing customer concerns, why won’t you address ours when we say that a girl on Mingle2.com tried to scam us?
We’re not sure if they’re just banning men and women are leaving or WHAT.
Our Final Mingle2.com Review: Is Mingle2.com Good For Dating Online?
Mingle2.com is entirely useless. Stay away from this waste of an Internet page. If you want to meet excellent women, you have to go to their sites—like PassionSearch, our favorite site for meeting girls!
hard to think of a comparison when a site is honestly awful. the women on here are all fakes and they make no attempt to hide that fact
mingle2 doesn’t really hit any of the marks i set for it. the only reason i’m bothering with a review is because it missed all of my expectations so badly!
just another scam site. the ladies on here are mostly scammers out to steal even more money from you so don’t bother spending cash on it
i don’t know if mingle2 is legit or not. i think this site has a lot of potential but so far it just doesn’t really work for me and i hope that it picks up soon
i can’t really call this site good at all. there’s nothing on it that makes me want to come back to it so i definitely won’t bother with it in the future
just a test run of mingle2 gave me a headache. this isn’t a good site nor do i ever think it will be, pass on this one and you’ll be a lot happier
only rating this gets from me is an F. it’s not a good site and they dont’ care about fixing that fact. don’t spend your money on a site like this!
when i came up with a brand new review 2013 blog of sites i’ve tried this one was at the bottom. i’m honestly not sure why anyone would want to use it but here we are
i think that mingle2 has potential as a dating site but right now it just isn’t my favorite. the site itself needs some cleaning up so i hope that happens
never going to be bothering with sites like this again. they’re just a big mess in general and this one is definitely no different. don’t bother!
i’m really not thrilled by this site. that’s why i have to leave a review; mingle2 isn’t something you should be spending money on if it doesnt’ make you come back!
hard to think of any sites that are as gross as this one. i’ve seen so many fakes on here that it’s hard to think of a comparison to how bad it is.
just another scam. i can’t believe anyone would miss it, there are fakes all over this site and a lot of scammers to boot, pass this one over!
i’m not sure if mingle2 is legit or not. i hope it is as there are lots of hot girls on here that i’d love to chat with but getting them to respond is difficult
there’s nothing good about this site. i don’t think i will be back to use it again, it’s better just passed over and forgotten what with how slow it moves
i think this site doesn’t even need a test run to see how bad it is. mingle2 misses all of my marks and then some and you can tell there are fakes
just a lot of bad fakes and a lot of inactivity all over this site and that’s why it gets a bad rating from me. i don’t think i’ll use it again in the future
when i give a new review 2013 blog roll i will be putting this one on the bottom of my list. it doesn’t work very well at all and i am not impressed by it
i think mingle2 is ok for dating but just not the best. it’s not my favorite at all and mostly just ends up making you spin in circles, i might give it another chance
when i see sites like this i am rarely impressed and this is no exception. just pass this one over, you will be a lot happier in the long run
pass on this site in general. mingle2 is NOT good and that’s why i have to leave a bad review for it. you won’t get laid on here, you’ll just be mad
i don’t think there is any comparison for how difficult it is to get a girl to talk to you on this site let alone go on a date with her! good luck lol
impossible to use because it’s such a scam site. it’s bad and full of fakes so just pass it up and you will be a lot happier with it in the future
i think that mingle2 is really a fun site but i’m not sure if all the profiles on it are legit. it’s just really not my first pick and i don’t know if i’ll return quickly
nothing much to say about this site when it isn’t good at all. the girls i’ve seen on here are either ugly or fake, there’s nothing in between
this site was more of a test of my patience than anything else. i won’t be back to mingle2 when i’ve realized exactly how bad it is
only rating this site gets is a 0 out of 10. it’s a total miss on every single mark i set for it and so i definitely will not be back to use it again in the future
when i come up with my new review 2013 blog this one will be listed on the bottom. it’s NOT a good site and not one i feel comfortable recommending to people
mingle2 isn’t my first choice for dating. it’s ok but it’s not great and unfortunately mediocre really just doesn’t cut it as far as i am concerned…
sites like this rarely hit the mark for me. i’m not happy with it at all and i don’t think i will be returning to use it in the future unfortunately
totally disappointing. mingle2 just hits every mark in the wrong way for me and thus i have to leave a bad review for it. pass this one up and move on to another site
hard to think of another site as bad as this one, so no comparison for me. it’s just not good and i can’t believe anyone would actually enjoy a site lik ethis
definitely another scam site in the making. i was not happy when i started seeing more fakes pop up on this site, it’s just not good
i’m not sure if this site is legit or not? i was hoping that mingle2 would be a lot of fun but thus far it has kind of flopped for me, it’s just not that great
not good. i don’t think anything about this site is really redeemable and i so don’t think i will be back to use this one in the future
pass this site up and don’t even bother trying to give it a test run. mingle2 misses on so many different levels that it’s just laughingly bad
0 out of 10 rating for me. i won’t be back to this site again after how it scammed me out of my last membership and i didn’t even talk to a single girl
on my review 2013 list i think i will be ranking this site fairly low. it just doesn’t work for me and i can’t talk to any women on here
as far as dating goes mingle2 kind of goes slow for me but i am holding out and seeing if it picks up the pace in the future, hope it does
sites like this are not my favorite at all and i think that in general this site would be better off being purged and started fresh
this one is just not a good site at all. mingle2 gets a bad review from me because of that because i feel the need to warn everyone using this craphole
wow good luck thinking of a comparison to a site that’s honestly awful. i just can’t believe people willingly join this site and expect a date
you won’t get laid and you won’t get a date, you won’t even get a conversation but you will get a scam girl or two following you around on this site
i’m not sure if mingle2 is legit but i sure hope it is. there are a lot of hot girls on here that i’d love to be able to take out once or twice
this site isn’t good at all. the women on here are mostly just fakes or scam artists if there are real people behind the profiles. don’t bother with it.
i did a test run of mingle2 and was not happy with my results. i definitely won’t be signing up for this one again in the future
only rating i can give this site is a 0 out of 10. it just flops in ever single way and doesn’t hit a single one of my expectations. pass this one over!
for my review 2013 site this one will be ranked pretty low. it doesn’t really live up to what i wanted it to do at all which is very disappointing
as far as a dating site i think that mingle2 is ok but it’s just not my absolute favorite. it could use a bit of cleaning up and would be a lot better.
sites like this never hit the right nerve with me and so i am just pretty disappointed as a whole with this one. pass this one over!