Review: Why We Did Not Count Amongst Our “Top Online Dating” List is a waste. It’s a waste of your time, it’s a waste of your money, and it’s a waste of a place where a perfectly good website could have been hosted.
If you paid money for Parship, you’ll soon realize that there are almost no women to meet on this site. You’ve paid for nothing, and good luck getting your money back—customer service here is notoriously poor.
Here Are Our Results After Using For Three Months
During our Parship review, we sent out messages to 360 women—or at least, to 360 profiles. Many of them were obviously fake, and we couldn’t help but wonder if there ARE any real women. advertises that they have millions of members, but about 80 percent of the profiles we found were OBVIOUSLY faked.

Nothing to see here. But with these online dating sites we were absolutely spoiled for choice
We only got back 11 responses, out of 360 emails! If that doesn’t say this is a fake, we’re not sure what will.
Here Is Why Did Not Impress Us: Is Legitimate?
Sure, it might sound impressive to say a site has a million members. Consider that 70 percent are men. Consider that about 80 percent of the female profiles are fake. Now consider that only about 20 percent of members live in the UK. You’re left with just a few paltry thousand women, and they’re all going to be BURIED in spam and scams until they take off running!
Our Final Review: Is Good For Dating Online?
There’s no reason to waste your money on This site won’t give you what you’re looking for! You should spend your time and money on a GOOD site instead, like PassionSearch, or if you want the site with the most members,Match
when i try to think of a comparison to this site, my head just ends up hurting. you won’t get a date on there, that’s for sure, so don’t bother spending money here
there is just nothing good to say about parship. this site won’t get you a date, it’ll just give you a headache overall! pass on this one
i think this site is nothing but a scam. it’s just a big hot mess as far as i’m concerned and for the most part full of nothing but fakes. only some of them are hot too lol
this site isn’t really my pick for most things but i think parship is at least legit it’s just kind of slow running for the most part. not sure if i will be back though
i think this site has absolutely NOTHING GOOD to offer you. spend your money anywhere else but here, it’s just not a very good site
hard to believe this site is even worth a test run to some people. i can’t believe parship is still up and running, this site is just a load of crap in general
only rating i can give this site is a 0 out of 10. it misses in every single regard for me, don’t bother with it again in the future
when i made a new review 2013 blog roll i think this site was quite near the bottom. it’s very inactive and not full of any women at all
i’m not sure if parship is my first choice for a dating site but it’s ok. it doesn’t really offer anything new or interesting but i guess it’s just fine
sites like this will not get you a date. they are a total scam and just out to steal your money or see you have a headache at the end of the day lol
only review i can give to this site is a bad one unfortunately. parship is not a good site and is mostly just full of fakes. pass this one over!
if you want to think of a comparison just imagine a bag full of crap! that’s all this site is…just a waste of time and a sink for your money!
i am pretty sure that this site is nothing but a scam. you won’t get laid on here or even have a date, you’ll just end up disappointed in general
i don’t know if parship is legit or not but i know that it moves pretty slowly and that can be frustrating. i don’t know if i will be back until that picks up
i think this site isn’t good at all. the women on here are definitely all fake and it’s mostly just an inactive craphole with nothing to do on it
only test run i did of parship was very disappointing. i don’t think that i will be back to use this site again because it’s just a boring mess
0 out of 10 rating for me on this site. i think that it could be a lot better and right now it’s just really not doing it for me. passing on this one!
when i did a new review 2013 list this one was definitely on the bottom. this site just really doesn’t do it for me in general and i don’t think i’ll be back!
when it comes to dating i think parship is ok but not great. this site just needs a lot of overhauling because otherwise it’s just mediocre and not that great
when it comes to sites like this i rarely see anything on them that will keep me coming back. unfortunately this one is just like all the others, not impressive!
parship is not my favorite site at all. i think this site could use with a few bad reviews like this one because i think it’s overhyped in general!
pass on this site and go onto another site, for comparison, that will actually help you meet ladies! the only ones you will see on this site are just total scam artists
pretty sure that this site is nothing but another big scam. you won’t get a date on this site; you will be lucky if you can even talk to a single woman
parship is one of those sites that i’m not sure if they are legit or not. i hope it is, there are a lot of cute women on here and it’s a shame if i can’t get with them
nothing much to say about this site when it isn’t good at all. the girls i’ve seen on here are either ugly or fake, there’s nothing in between
when i did a test run of parship i was not happy. the ladies are all fake and the profiles are just stolen from other sites as far as i can see
only rating i want to give a site like this is a 0 out of 10. it’s not good and it never will be so just save your money and move on to a real site
the next time i make a review 2013 list i definitely will be putting this one near the bottom. it just doesn’t work overall and i don’t think it ever will
just not my choice for dating but i am hoping that parship will change my mind in the future. it’s not the best site in the world right now but i’m keeping an open mind
when i see sites like this i am rarely impressed. unfortunately this site does nothing to change my opinion what with how many fakes i have seen on it
just pass over this one. parship won’t get you a date nor will it even get you a chance to talk to women. that’s why i have to leave a review so people can honestly know how bad this site is.
only think this site can be used in comparison to is a load of crap. you won’t get laid on here, don’t expect to, the women are all fakes anyway
i think this one is just another giant scam. the ladies i’ve seen on here so far are all stolen profiles or just really old inactive ones
i can’t tell if parship is legit or not? i hope it is, there are a lot of cute girls on here that i’d love to go out with, but i’m just not entirely convinced
i think this site has one of the lowest quality control filters i have ever seen. nothing good to see here at ALL. the women are definitely all scammers!
my test run of parship was really disappointing. the only thing i found out on this site was a lot of fakes and a lot of scammers
0 out of 10 rating as far as i can see. this site just doesn’t really work as far as i can throw it and that’s not very far let me tell you
lowest ranked on my review 2013 site for sure. i can’t believe this site is still up with as many fake profiles as i’ve seen all over this thing
i think this site has potential for dating but parship just hasn’t really performed for me yet? i hope that changes very soon because the girls are cute
rarely interested in sites like this and this one does nothing to renew that interest. i wont be back to be scammed again on another dating site
can’t give this site a good review at all. parship just misses the mark entirely for me, it’s not good at all and is just full of a lot of fakes!
hard to even think of a comparison to a site this crappy lol. it’s just full of a LOT of inactive and old profiles and it makes it VERY difficult to use
i think this site is just another scam site. it’s got a lot of fakes on it and it makes no attempts to hide those. you will probably be better off going elsewhere
not sure if this site is legit or not? i was hoping that parship would be but so far it just seems to be falling flat for me. i’m holding out hope tho!
nothing really good to say about this site. i don’t think i’ll be back to use it again in the future at all, it doesn’t really work for me in getting a date
parship was not a good test run for me. i don’t think that this site really works that well and so i won’t be back to use it in the future
only rating i will give this site is an F. it fails in ever aspect for me and so i just can’t recommend it to anyone else at all. pass on it.
when i gave a new review 2013 list out i had to rank this one pretty low. it just doesn’t work. the women on here are mostly gone anyway
i’m not sure that parship is my first choice for dating but it’s ok i guess. i think the women on here could use a lot of lessons in chatting!
sites like this are never good. it’s not good at all and i don’t think that this site needs to be still up and working for much longer if it keeps scamming