Our Review of Why We Chose To Rank at #3 For Online Dating
If you’ve ever tried online dating, chances are you’ve heard of Establishedmen at some point.
This is one of the largest, most famous websites for finding a date in the UK. This site has the biggest membership in the Greater London Area of any site that we’ve tried, and that’s saying something.
Establishedmen is a veritable juggernaut of a dating website. If there’s someone you’re looking for, chances are she’s on, or will be at some point in her life, just going by the numbers.

Get results today with Establishedmen
The fact that the site is so easy to use and friendly makes it an even better bet!
The Results Speak For Themselves: After Using Over 3 Months, Were They Worth Our Notice?
During our review of Establishedmen, we sent out messages to 360 women. We were hoping for at least 200 back—and we got back 264!
This was a great percentage, and we were quite excited to see how well we’d done. We set up dates with 18 of those women among the four of us, and actually attended 15 dates over a period of three months.
The response rate on was quite good, and we didn’t mind the largeness of the site so much as it was easy to find the sorts of girls we wanted to meet.
Our Top 2 Email Messages That Got Us The Best Responses At
Email 1: “Hi, Vanessa. I love that you’re working on going back to school—more people our age could learn from your example! I noticed that you’re studying Shakespearean literature. I’m not an expert or anything, but I know enough to ask—which of his sonnets is your favorite?”
Email 2: “Hi, Krystal. I’m impressed to see you so involved in tribal dancing. I’d never have suspected it! I hope everything about you is such a pleasant surprise.”
What Made Us Rate So Highly? Features We Really Loved
One thing we LOVE about is the membership. There are literally tens of millions of people on Establishedmen, and you’ll easily be able to find someone who meets your standards, no matter how aggressive they are!
We also LOVE the fact that we never once encountered a scam in our entire time on Establishedmen. That’s unusual, to go so long without finding a single dating scam, and we appreciate it!
How To Stand Out From The Crowd—In A Good Way—On Best Dating Tactics
One of the best ways to get ahead on Establishedmen is by sending emails in the morning. We’re not sure exactly why this works, or if we’re just being superstitious, but whenever we sent out emails in the morning on this site, we had far better luck!
The Few Things We Didn’t Love About
One thing we could have done without is the fact that the sorting algorithm needs to be upgraded. Specifically, we had issues with the location filter. Most times we would get messages from women in London, but sometimes we’d hear from someone up in Leeds instead. They need to get that fixed!
Another thing we’d change is to filter out inactive profiles completely. With such a large site it’s almost impossible, but they should make more of an effort to filter them out.
Final Review of Should You Use For Online Dating In The UK?
The bottom line is that we rather adored Establishedmen. We had a fantastic time, we met a lot of wonderful women, and we’d go back again in an eyeblink if we thought we could. If PassionSearch didn’t exist, Establishedmen would be the site we recommended to literally everyone.
As it is, it’s still our second favorite site, and that’s no bad thing. We’ll be back on this one for sure!
match is a good site and really worthy of a review. it’s honestly hard not to enjoy this site when it’s so easy to meet women on it that really do seem to enjoy your company. don’t pass this one up or you will end up regretting it in the future!
hard to even think of a comparison to a site that is this good. it’s just a great site made up a lot of hot girls and they are always pretty willing to sit and talk to you. don’t pass this one up, it’s very easy!
i was at first afraid that this site would be a scam but it isn’t at all. the girls on here are all very easy to chat with and my only complaint is that sometimes it can take awhile to convince them to go out with you. nothing new there tho!
i’m pretty sure that while match is legit it’s just not the best site out there. it can take way too long for my tastes to get things rolling and that can be frustrating. overall i think it needs a solid rehaul in order to make me really like it again
a good site and one that i will be back to use often. i think that my friends would really benefit from this site as well as it just kind of works in every way possible and doesn’t seem to miss a single mark. i love this site and will be back!
just wanted to do a test run of match but i ended up really falling in love with it. the girls i chatted wtih are very fun and easy to talk to which made my day. i definitely will be recommending this site to all of my friends as well
don’t look this site over, there’s a reason why it gets such a high rating from me. it really just hits every single mark as far as i can see and does everything that i want it to do. what more can you ask for?
on my review 2013 list this site ranks pretty high and for good reason. it just does absolutely everything right and helps you meet so many women that it’s almost ridiculous. i won’t trade this one away for the world let me tell you! this site is highly r
as far as dating goes i think that match is ok but just not that great. it could use a few tweaks to make it better including purging all of those old inactive profiles that make it kind of difficult to use. hopefully those will get removed some time in t
usually i’m not really into sites like this but this one turned me around and really made me enjoy it. i think it’s because it’s just so easy to use that i really ended up liking it, this site does a great job of making it easy to use and really makes it
hard not to give a site like this a great review. match just does it all right as far as i can see, the women on here are hot and they attract more to the site every day. it’s just a great site and very easy to use in general! don’t pass this one up
i can’t believe no one else has made a great review like this about this site lol there’s just no comparison to it! this site is made of solid gold i swear, i have never been able to meet so many women as i have on this site before, so just use it
not a scam at all and for that i am really relieved. i enjoyed this site a lot when i used it though my one complaint is that it can sometimes take a bit of time for you to realy get used to it and start talking to girls, it’s just that kind of site
pretty sure this site is legit but that doesnt mean that match is my absolute favorite. while i enjoy this site a lot it just can sometimes be a little slow moving and that’s very frustrating to me overall so i’m not sure if i will be back or not
i think this site is really good and definitely worth a second look. don’t pass this site up, it’s just awesome and really made up of a lot of lovely girls that are very interested in being taken out and wined and dined. it’s a great site for finding the
i just did a test run of match and i was so impressed that i had to immediately sign up for the full membership. trust me it’s worth it. these girls are really interested in me and i can’t believe that there are so many to chose from!
hard not to give this site an amazing rating after experiencing so many good things on it! these women are very attractive and they are almost always around to chat with me. really great site and well worth all the money i have spent on it for sure
i think that this site will be ranking very high on my new review 2013 list. it just does everything that i want it to do and it helps me meet a lot of different women overall. it’s very easy to use and my only complaint is that there is some inactivity.
for dating i think that match is ok but not great. it just sometimes gets very laggy for me and that is a lot more disappointing than you would think especially after reading a lot of reviews about how fast people ended up getting dates on here
i think that sites like this rarely get the kind of appreciation they deserve. they make dating so much easier and it’s such a relief to be able to finally meet women in my area that are interested in me and want to actaully go out with me
so far i’m really enjoying and that’s why i just have to leave it a great review. this site does a great job of helping you meet women and it’s all very easy to navigate and understand. just a great site with a great system in place for sure.
i won’t give up this site for anything let me tell you lol. there’s just no comparison to it and i won’t go to any other site from now on in order to do my online dating. this one does everything i need it to do and more! just a great site.
i can’t find a single scam profile on this entire site and let me tell you that’s a feat. it’s a great site overall and my only complaint is that there are some inactive profiles that could be purged from the site to make browsing it a bit easier overall.
while i am sure that match is legit that doesnt mean that it’s the best site out there. i’m not sure that it deserves all the hype that surrounds it but overall this is a good site and i just think it will be better if people stop jacking up like it’s ama
a good site and i will definitely be recommending it to all of my friends as well. i’ve met a lot of girls on here so far and a lot of them actually ended up turning into dates that i will never forget. a great site and one that i will just keep using for
this site was just supposed to be a test run but i ended up really enjoying the way that match runs things. this site does it right as far as i am concerned and i think that it is well worth any money that you end up spending on it
don’t look this one over! there’s a reason why it gets such a high rating from me and it’s because it just does it all right. the girls on here are hot and easy to hold conversations with and i really enjoy the whole atmosphere of the site as a whole
this site just does a really good job and that’s why it’s near the top of my review 2013 list. the only reason why it is any lower is that it can sometimes take awhile to really get used to the site itself but that’s ok
for dating i think this site is just kind of mediocre. i was hoping for a lot more from match and i guess i will just have to end up waiting a lot longer in order to get exactly what i want from this site. i just hope it doesn’t take too long.
i’m not usually into sites like this but i’m starting to get proven wrong. this one just does it all right and it hits all my marks to make dating easier and a lot more fun. it also helps that a lot of the girls on here are just really hot!
it’s pretty hard to pass up a chance to review a site that is this good. match just really gets me and helps me meet the best women i have ever met in my entire life. don’t pass this site up, it’s really one of the best
there is absolutely no comparison for a site like this. the women i have met on this site have completely changed my life and then some…they are just amazing and this site is all i can credit that to. i would have never been able to meet them without th
don’t pass this one up just because some reviews try and lie to say that it is a scam. there isn’t a single fake profile on here as far as i can see because this site is good and goes out of its way to clean out all of the fakes as soon as they show up
a really legit site but that doesn’t make match my favorite at all. this site just really doesn’t groove with me i think. it’s not that easy to find women in my area anyway so i don’t know why i was really expecting this site to make miracles
i think this site is really good and one of my favorites from now on. it’s just very easy to find women on here and talk to them in general which is a huge relief because most dating sites tend to flop in that regard. i’ll be recommending this to others!
my test run of match went amazingly well. i was really surprised that i ended up liking it that much but this one just hits it out of the park and does a great job at helping me meet new women. it’s actually shocking how good it really works!
the only rating this site gets from me is a solid 10 out of 10. it just rocks in every way and hits every mark that i ended up setting for it. these women are all a lot of fun and always seem to answer my messages. you really can’t beat that in general!
for my review 2013 list this one is near the top. the girls on here are a lot of fun and i barely had any messages not returned from them. for me that immediately makes this site worth the time and effort to keep using!
i haven’t been on a dating site in awhile so i’m not sure if my standards were too high or something but match just really didn’t wow me like it seems to wow a lot of people. it’s just kind of ok for me but i hope that it picks up and changes that in the
usually i don’t really get into sites like this but this one is changing my mind. it just does a great job and helps me meet a lot of women so i will be back and recommending this site to a lot of my single friends as well. it’s definitely worth it!
while i am sure a lot of people wouldn’t even bother i think this site just deserves a great review for being one of the best sites i have tried out for dating in a long time. i will be recommending match to all of my friends for sure.
it’s hard to even think of a comparison past the old solid gold metaphor for this site. it just works so well that i’m actually a little shocked at how many messages i have sitting in my inbox right now! i love this site a lot.
it’s definitely not a scam i will tell you that right now. while this site can be a bit laggy at times i think it’s just because there are so many women around and so that just means there are more chances for us to go and find a date on here with a hot g
i’m pretty sure that this site is legit but that doesnt mean i’m in love with it or anything. match has a great premise and some nice features but it just kind of falls flat for me because it takes so long to actually meet up with one of these girls
it’s hard not to think of good things when it comes to this site. i have met a lot of girls on here and they have all been wonderful, no crazies lurking in this bunch. just a great site overall and well worth the time i have spent on it thus far
my test run of this site went amazingly well! match surprised me because i didn’t think i was going to enjoy it as much as i ended up enjoying it but it’s really great and definitely worth the money. don’t pass this site up for anything
only rating i can give this site is an A+ because it just hits the mark in every single regard. this site does an amazing job of helping you find the perfect woman and i don’t think i will be changing sites anytime soon when this one just works so well
ranks pretty high up on my review 2013 list that’s for sure. i rarely find a site that i enjoy that much but this one really did a good job of helping me meet my newest girlfriend, it just can take a bit longer for some people so keep that in mind
i think that for dating this site is just kind of ok. it’s not my favorite but i guess match is a lot better than the other sites out there so i’m not too put off by it. i just hope that it moves a bit faster for me in the future, i want a date!
sites like this are generally not my cup of tea but i’m very impressed by this one and how quickly i actually ended up meeting women on it. it just does the job that i could do for myself but a lot faster and a lot easier!