Getting on the List: How to Impress a Club Girl
Some women crave the night life well past their sixth form days, and they never stop going out. A club girl will always be a club girl, no matter how old she gets or how much her life changes. Having a night out is what she does to unwind, and even though in later years she may not be on the pull, it’s still what she enjoys. Dating a club girl also doesn’t mean that you should expect to only go with her to the club. On the other hand, if her only interest seems to be dancing and drinking, unless you just want a fling, avoid her. However, if you enjoy her company and she just happens to use her free time to go clubbing, there’s nothing wrong. The thing is, every girl has something that really impresses her, ranging from a knowledge of physics, to being on “the list.” If you’re dealing with a club girl, the latter is the way to go. But how do you get on the list?
The Internet

“Search for local club events on the internet”
Many clubs will have special promotions they list only on their Facebook page or website. If you’re going out with your girlfriend to a special event at a club, such as a famous DJ spinning or a launch party, it’ll be easier to find special codes or passwords for free entry or pre-registration entry. Be sure to have a look at all of the club’s different social media websites and Google it to see what pops up. You may not end up on the VIP list, but if you can get in for free when there’s an expensive cover charge by knowing a password, even that will do.
Find Someone Who Knows a Bloke, Who Knows a Bloke
There’s always tapping into your own contacts to gain entrance to a club ahead of the line or attain VIP status. The best way to do this is to see if you have some connection to the bouncer. Does your sister’s school mate’s brother’s girlfriend know him from the painting class she took a year ago? Go for it. Maybe the bouncer is still friends with her. Exploit your contacts, especially if you’ve never tried it before. It’s surprising who knows whom.
How to Get on the List

“You may bribe the bouncers outside the club to get on the list”
This one is harder, because it requires substantial payout, but you can always just slap a note into someone’s hand. And no, a tenner is not going to do it. We’re talking at least a few hundred to skip the line and get on “the list.” If you’re planning on spending money on an expensive date, though, for a club girl, this use of money might be even more effective than taking her out for a fancy meal. It will make her feel special, especially if credit goes to you for making her night one to remember. She won’t even care if you’re a terrible dancer. Just buy her a drink and soldier on. It’ll be over soon enough, and at this point, you’ve just won yourself the heart of a club girl.