Things to Wear for Your Profile Picture

“Wear a nice shirt for your profile picture”
Taking a picture for your online dating profile isn’t just a simple one photo deal. You have to be conscious of everything around you in the photo, the lighting, whether it’s blurry, what you’re wearing and how she’s going to perceive it. This might seem like a lot of stress to put on yourself for just one picture that you’re going to put online, but when you’re trying to meet women, it’s more important than anything else. If your profile picture isn’t something she likes, then she might not even want to keep looking long enough to read your profile. Keep her from moving on to the next guy by dressing the right way for your perfect profile picture.
Don’t Look Sloppy
Most importantly, wear a nice shirt. Even though she’s not seeing you in person, it’s essential that you have clean clothes. If your shirt is dirty and she can tell, it’ll make you seem like a sloppy, lazy person who can’t take care of himself. Women looking for men online aren’t looking to babysit; they’re looking for a real man who is successful and can clean up his own clothes. This step isn’t that hard at all, so just make sure you take your picture after laundry day. Another key to choosing a nice shirt is to pick a good neutral color. It’s important that you don’t look too dressy, but a run-down T-shirt isn’t going to work. A nice button-down shirt with a trendy vest over it will make you look cultured and successful, so that’s always a good choice. If you’re really a T-shirt kind of guy, pair one up with a nice jacket or cardigan. It does wonders to dress up the T-shirt. As far as color goes, go for nice neutral or darker shades of colors. Neon doesn’t show up on film and just comes off as garish. Luckily for you, most nice shirts come in sensible colors, so you should be just fine.
Avoid Hats

“Avoid hats as they hide your hairstyle”
As far as what you’re wearing goes, hats should be largely avoided. For one thing, a woman can’t see what your hair looks like and might assume that you’re balding. That might be the case! It doesn’t mean girls won’t want you, but it’s best to be honest from the start. A lot of women are put out by guys without a full head of hair. A hat also seems too informal for a profile picture meant to attract women. Instead of wearing that fedora, just make sure your hair looks nice.
Your profile picture is what women are going to judge you on as a potential lover, so it has to be perfect. Even if you’re not a professional photographer, it’s easy to snap a great photo for your dating profile. Just take your time, plan your outfit, and take a good number of pictures to choose from. Once you have the one you like, put that up online and watch the ladies come pouring in.