When Should You Introduce Her to Your Parents?

“Introduce your girlfriend to your parents at the right time”
Obviously you aren’t going to be bringing her home right after the first date and make her meet your parents, but it has to happen sooner or later. A lot of guys dread this moment, as a parent’s scrutiny can be pretty damaging if they don’t like your girlfriend. You have to be brave because your parents have to meet her one way or the other. There’s a time and a place for everything, so when exactly is it a good idea to ask her to come over and meet your family?
It’s Your Decision

“Make her meet your parents only after dating her for a few months”
First and foremost, know that it’s completely up to you when your parents meet your girlfriend. Just also be aware that there is such a thing as too soon – much like introducing a lot of new people to a baby. Your parents don’t need to see every single girl you go through; it’ll just upset them. They’ll start getting attached to her, and will ask awkward questions if you break up. A general rule of thumb when it comes to taking her home is to wait at least a few months to show her off. By all means, let your parents know that you’re seeing someone, but until you’ve been with her for a few months it’s probably not too serious. Just be patient, even if your girlfriend is pressuring you to take her to your parents, and even if you have already met hers.
Is Mom Bugging You?
Another good sign that it’s time for you to introduce your girlfriend is when your mom starts bothering you about bringing her over. If she’s asking, then she’s not looking to scrutinize – she genuinely wants to meet the girl she’s heard so much about! If you have been talking her up to your parents, then of course they want to see her after a while. This is your cue to go ahead and invite her to come to dinner at your parents’ place. Chances are she’ll be nervous, so it’s your job to reassure her. Make sure she dresses up well and doesn’t go overboard, or else she’ll just seem fake. The last thing you want is for their first impression of the girl of your dreams to be that she’s sincere, unless you want to hear them rant about it after she leaves. Tell her to just be herself – if she doesn’t try to be anyone else, your parents are sure to see why you fell in love with her in the first place.
Introducing her to your parents can be incredibly stressful for both of you, but it’s not as bad as it sounds. By choosing the right time to present her, you can wait until you are more comfortable with the idea, but don’t wait too long. If you wait until you have a ring on her to let your parents meet her, they’ll be just as unhappy as they would be if you brought her over too early. It’s all about timing, so choose wisely.