When to Show Her Your Inner Nerd
Nerds are not a rare thing anymore. They are the type of person who really enjoy comic books, movies, board games, music etc. It’s the strong love of something that might not be that commonly accepted. Almost everyone is a nerd about one thing or another. But sharing that thing with your new girl might be kind of hard or even embarrassing. So when should you show her your inner nerd?
Immediately – But Not All At Once
You should at least hint at your inner nerd right from the beginning. If you don’t, it might be a total surprise later and throw off what the two of you have already worked on. Let’s say you really like board games. Leave a few out on a bookshelf or something the first time she comes over. That way, they are in plain sight, and if she notices them, it could possibly spark a conversation. You might even have some clothes or an app on your phone that’s connected to your favorite company. Wear or use them around her just to get the word out there.
Ease Into It
Start to come on a little bit stronger toward the end of the honeymoon phase During the honeymoon period (about the first 3-5 months of a relationship), she will still be so crazy about you that it won’t really faze her, but since it will be toward the end, she’ll be more comfortable with you. It’s a perfect mix of accepting you no matter who you are yet forming a real, solid feeling for you. She’ll take your nerd-ness and use it as fodder for that. This is a good point to start introducing her to your other love. Take her out to your favorite silent films. Have a game night date the next weekend. Maybe she’d love to go fishing with you and hunt after that elusive catch you have yet to find. Don’t be afraid of her rejecting your hobby. She obviously cares about you and most people are at least willing to try new things – so long as they aren’t too dangerous or extreme or just too dorky. Then she might just like to watch you.
Let it all hang out once the two of you really start loving each other. After the honeymoon phase, it’s like make or break. Once you have formed the serious boyfriend/girlfriend bond it’s time to truly, honestly, and comfortably be yourself at all times. It’s not that you have been lying till this point, but it’s that you have just started to open up. It’s more exciting to keep a little bit mystery as you go along anyway, and the more she finds out about you the more she will care. Keep in mind that at this point you’ll probably have been getting to know her nerdy subject as well. See if there are any ways that the two of you can combine the topics. The couple that shares hobbies have more fun doing them together as opposed to others.