Why You Should Get to Know Her First

“Talk to her to know more about her”
When it’s love, it’s love at first sight, right? Ah, if only it was that easy. While you might feel attracted to her from the get-go, it’s important to get to know her before you take that next step. Starting off as friends can actually strengthen the relationship much more since you start out on a more level relationship status. As her friend, you’ll get to find out how she is as a person, what she loves, what she’s afraid of, and everything else you’ll want to know when you start dating her. It’s important to really know her so you don’t get stuck in a relationship that you aren’t happy with.
It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

“Do not rush through things in your relationship”
If you just hop into relationships, don’t question why you can’t find love. Sadly with most people love doesn’t just explode into being overnight; it has to build up over time. It’s important to know her first, so you can decide whether or not talking the big leap is as good of a choice as you thought when you first met her. After you’re friends for a while, it may turn out that she’s completely nuts and you had a close call. Girls are prone to getting clingy, and when they get clingy it’s scary. So, if you want to end up with a girl who chases you everywhere, controls your life and just won’t leave you alone, then go ahead and start dating her the day you meet her. You were warned.
Really Get to Know Her
You should also know her so that you know everything she loves. If you can figure these things out when you two are just friends, then it’ll make you the perfect boyfriend. Girls love nothing more than a romance that blossoms from a good friendship, and she’ll think it’s romantic that you loved her the whole time and just waited for the right moment to ask her out. Once you two are an item, you get to be the absolute best boyfriend ever. You know what to buy her, just what to feed her and what she loves to do. It’ll never be a dull moment because you’ve had time to build up a good, solid relationship and you two really know how to talk to each other. Hopping into a relationship inhibits you from finding out how to talk to her without always being romantic, and it takes a lot more time to get your feet on the ground.
Be her friend before you’re her boyfriend, and it’ll benefit you both tremendously. It could save you from getting into a bad relationship, and it’s also a good way to build a foundation for your romance. Girls dating their best friends are a common trope in romantic comedies for a reason. It’s romantic to her, and it’s a lifesaver for you. Whether or not it’s love at first sight, go ahead and give love a few more sights to make sure that your heart chose the right girl for you.